Since our history women remains most neglected and thrashed one-half section of our society. Its sad, but its a fact. Lets take a minute to ponder what could be the reason behind it? When and how it come to the existence? Their are many such questions coming into my mind since very long time. and after a deep pondering i came to the conclusion which i latter shared in this blog. (The views presented below is my personal assumption, your thoughts may vary)
I think at the time evolution, somewhere around neolithic age when farming was invented. As the man was physically stronger than women, he undertakes the task which requires physical exertion like farming, hunting, protecting family from wild animals etc. Afterward this became a ritual, which was practised over generations and with the development of human society this became an indelible practice in our society. I will not go into intricacies of ancient rituals and customs.
Human development occured with the invention of printing press, later on vehicles, electricity, aeroplanes, followed by industrial revolution, computer and then Internet revolution. All these inventions have drastically changed our lifestyle. but our opinion towards women does not changed much. Still in many parts of the world the condition of women is not well. Take the reference of Sudan, Malaysia and many part of the world. what we are witnessing is violence. Burka pratha, dowry custom is still fervidly practised in our society. Is this can be called as human development? I don't think so.
Its a fact that we have achieved material progress, but our mindset towards women's have not changed. Look at women's participation in corporate world. Hardly 10-11%will be seen. Though women participation have increased only in function jobs. Still broking the glass ceiling is far from reality. In US(world's most liberal country) only 15% of women constitutes of BOD of fortune 500 companies. In Europe this percentage is around 10%. Amazing to know, even in Scandinavian countries which are regarded as women empowerment laws. This percentage is not more than 12%. That's why recently french govt have passed a resolution which mandates 40% women participation in BOD. This law is expected to be followed by many European countries. The point here is govt is forcibly ensuring women's participation, though the govt only interest is to ensure equality to the women's. Our govt have recently passed women's reservation bill in the parliament. Its a good gesture but still i am sceptical whether this will properly serve its purpose or not. The reason why i thinking so is because women's in our society is mere an image of male individual. Most likely it will happens that the male politician will Field there wives and daughters in the election and remained handling the constituencies. So the matter here is why we requires law for such a fundamental thing. Why our society cannot provide them their respective place by own, we just talk about fair society but how a just society can be formed if we continue to ignore the basic rights of our women's.
I think even after this women reservation bill, women's position in our society will remains same. Leaving apart few fundamental changes in the fiefdom of male politician. From my point of view, the real urge for improvement should come from our society itself. Only then the status of women would be elevated in our society. Education is vital for this noble cause. This will place women's at par with the male counterpart. Lastly society have to encourage women's to take initiatives in all spheres of life. Only then the condition of women could be improved in our society. Hope the condition will improve soon.
Hello Shravan,
ReplyDeleteYou've written a very nice blog.I really appreciate your knowledge of current affairs. It was really nice experience to read your blog.
i m really very much impressed with ur content & ur efforts that u have put down in the blog thats excellent
ReplyDeleteDear Vipin,
ReplyDeleteI like to thank you for your generous comment. Its just an effort to share my understanding of world with all my friends.
shravan Gupta
Too good.....I have hardly come across any blog written on behalf of woman by men. Appreciate your thoughts!!